This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Giraffe Dog

Yesterday we heard a loud dog bark by our door but we don't have a dog. When we looked out the door we saw Susie our cat zip by and duck under the garage door with a very large dog right on her tail. John yelled at him and he stood his ground as if he owned the place. A neighbor came to get the dog and put it in the yard with a privacy fence where the dog belongs directly behind John's house. Later when I opened the back door to put garbage in the can this dog is leaning over the very tall privacy fence with just his head and front paw resting on the fence barking his head off. It looked as if he was as tall as a giraffe and could look over the fence. It would have made the cutest picture but I didn't dare. In all reality he had to have been standing on a boat or trailer and maybe could have propelled himself over the fence and came after me. If he jumped on me with his paws on my shoulders he could have overpowered me. He is a beautiful dog though. Big as a Great Dane and marked like a Dalmatian and looks like a giraffe dog when behind a fence standing on something. One more of Susie's nine lives gone.


TexWisGirl said...

hopefully the huge dog is just visiting for the holidays and will not be a full-time resident.


I hate big dogs. They scare me.

jack69 said...

Im glad Susie started with nine lives anyway, gives some wiggle room. (smile)

Now I do like dogs, but a barking dog I despise. One that barks incessantly bugs me no end.

Anyway I am glad Susie had a place to go.

Leave It To Davis said...

Sounds like the dog in The Sandlot. Have you ever seen that movie? If not, make a special trip to the movie rental store or just go to Walmart and buy it. You won't regret it. Funny, funny....and very heart warming movie. And you will be able to identify with the dog!

Jon said...

I'm not surprised that we would have giant giraffe dogs in Texas! I'm glad that he didn't get your cat.
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Lynne said...

Exactly the reason I do not go walking because even though we have leash laws in our County, people tend to ignore them and let their pets wander. I've been chased twice up trees by large barking dogs in my lifetime and never forgot it! lol