Angels to watch us as we sleep at night, they make us want to live our life just right.
We cannot see them, but know they are there, it's a feeling of angels we are aware.
Spoke of in the Bible so it must be true, a feeling they are floating in skies of blue.
A hand on our shoulder, the softest touch, light as a feather they don't weigh very much.
Angels main attire, a halo and wings. Some pluck a harp as softly she sings.
If there are angels to watch over everyone on earth, can't you just imagine their heavenly worth?
Paula: Have you ever seen an angel or felt the presence of one? I'm not superstitious, but I have seen one, one time and felt the breeze of it's wings on my face.
we are lucky to have our guardians.
I have never seen one - I don't think - unless it was a friend - who lifted me like an angel. But I do believe in angels. sandie
I believe in angels completely.
Absolutely believe in them...!
WOW, I love this one. You are the best. Yep, I believe in them (angels) and also believe some cowboys are deraged. (smile)
YES! I have felt their presence, once at Dad's Funeral. SWEET.
I felt like my grandmother was allowed to come and be my angel when my last son was born and I had my tubes tied...and then bled internally...and didn't know it....but felt like someone was punching me in the stomach to the point that I couldn't talk without went back to the hospital and they admitted me for observation and found the pool of blood the next morning....I could have bled to death had I not felt like I was being punched...and my doctor said she couldn't explain why I felt that way. My grandmother had just passed away the May before I had this done and my aunt said she had come and sat on the foot of her bed and talked to her....I wondered if she was back here to save my life. I have an angel statue that was hers and for several years after that, we would have that angel facing the living room, but the next time we would walk by, it was turned towards my bedroom. Seriously....I'm not a nut. lol This all really did happen. That angel is in my bedroom now....and never moves. I must be safe now. :)
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