This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Friday, January 17, 2014

Lonely Animals On Country Roads

This picture is of our last ride on country roads. When I saw these two I ask John to stop. I got out and walked over to the fence to talk to them and take their picture. They were all alone in a pasture on a lonely road. I know they were hoping for food but I didn't have any so I did the next best thing. Talked kindly to them and complimented them on how pretty they are.


TexWisGirl said...

they are sweet!

Sharon said...

They do look lonely.

jack69 said...

What a lovely treat for the animals. Any conversation with this Cowgirl should be a treat. You also make the rest of us smile. You have a way like that. THANKS!

Wendy said...

Nice looking horse. I am surprised you don't carry apples in the truck with you. The rabbits at John's place would love pieces of apple.

Paula said...

Thanks for the advice Wendy. Our trips on the road are so often spur of the moment.


I'm sure they enjoyed the interaction.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

That was so sweet of you to stop and talk to them :) you have a huge heart.

Hootin Anni said...

...and pretty they are indeed!!

shirl72 said...

What beautiful animals. I also feed the animals in my back yard.
Although I am in the City I have woods behind. I Put some broken up pastries out this morning and it was gone in 5 minutes. I have 5 places to feed the squirrels and birds. I think I have a skunk or possum that's comes by at night. Had some left over baked beans from our Senior Meeting I put them out there..I thought they would eat anything but they will not eat
bake beans..that was funny to me.
My yard man said he thought it we
because of gas..that maybe the