This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sunny Day, But Not For Long

Cold this morning and warm this afternoon. Another cold spell on the way. Seems every time we have a really cold night a baby calf is born. Two last night makes ten. I needed Theresa, Annie, or Wendy with me this morning. I don't know my birds except the common ones but there was a beautiful yellow bird across the stock tank while I was trying to coax the turtles to come eat breakfast. There was a Cardinal flitting around the tank too, but I know them and feed them here at home. I'll be happy when hunting season is over so we can drive all over the ranch to look for wild life while checking the fences. John leases the whole ranch for his cattle but out of respect for the hunters we stay away from the back forty and the far east side in case they are in their blinds. If there was any deer or wild hogs around we would probably scare them away.


TexWisGirl said...

could have been a little goldfinch still holding on to summer color or perhaps a yellow warbler that didn't go too far south. :)

sweet calf photo. hope they do well. yes, we're at 66 and very windy right now with temps going down to teens by tomorrow.

Sheila Y said...

Maybe this will be the year you get some snow. Stay warm! Sheila

~mel said...

What is with cows calving ~ it always seems they do it in cold or stormy weather.

jack69 said...

Very considerate of you and John to leave them be back there. I know John is glad to see the calves drop and be healthy.
Birds, I know the common ones too but get lost at the unique one. OH, the one I enjoyed seeing the most was in Texas, seeing the Green-J. the first one I ever saw amazed me, I did not know a Green J existed. It is beautiful.

Wendy said...

I think it's murphy's law that cows calve when it is cold. I know scientifically they say it's due to the pressure dropping. Glad y'all got 2 more calves. I've been seeing yellow birds a lot too...One was a Couch's kingbird and the other was a Great Kiskadee...The Kiskadee was new to me but I've seen the Couch's kingbird before.


I LOVE colorful birds in the winter.

Lynne said...

I love seeing the birds from a distance...not real crazy about them for pets. I got attacked when I was nine by a very scared little parakeet my friend had released to show me and never quite got over that experience, lol. It is cold all over the US map! Brrrr. Even my relatives down in FL are complaining...boohoo to them, lol.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

It's not just cows. All animals seem to prefer to give birth in extreme cold or wet conditions. Much colder, much earlier in the year here on my side of Texas.

DD said...

The picture is so sweet. I love a pictures, lol.
It will be very cold here tonight and for a couple of days. I am so ready for Spring.

Chatty Crone said...

I love that photo. Sweet. And we are getting blasted with cold too.
Stay warm,

Hootin Anni said...

Around here, our yellow birds are mainly yellow warblers and a lot of great kiskadees...but the kiskadees have a bronze back and only a yellow breast.

LOVE this calf photo.

We too had a cold front moove in [play on word, moo, of course]. It's a mere 36 degrees right now. BRRRR.

Lucy said...

If it will make you feel better we had 22 below windchill last night. A high of 2 today. Love the calf photos. Stay warm.