Some of the large oil field trucks got so close to us when they passed today we could almost feel the driver's breath on our necks. John has to drive slow with a load of feed and the two lane farm to market road only has a half lane shoulder so he moved as far as he can. Some of the drivers are nice and can see when it's safe to pass and then blink their lights in "thanks" for John moving over as far as he can. Some seem to try to scratch the paint as they go around. Don't they know the farmers and ranchers were here first and have to make a living too. Our streets and roads are a mess, when we had good roads and streets before. Maybe if I owned some land to lease out to an oil field company I would be happy every time I hit a chug hole, you think?
Trucks always frighten me when they get that close. Especially if they are going fast.
No I don't think you would be happy even if you were profiting from the Shale explosion.
Driving the motor home we experience the courteous and the non-courteousness. Since many of my family were long haul truckers, I try to get along, because they are supporting a family and I do appreciate the 'thank you' with the blinking lights.
The guys who try to take the paint are not professional drivers, that is for DANG sure....
We fight for our share of the narrow country road with log haulers. There are no shoulders in most places. The big rigs terrify me, I always worry that the drivers are tired. Have only seen a couple spilled, but it is enough...
Some truckers are courteous and tend to always put safety first -
but there are a lot of others who are extremely aggressive and use their trucks as lethal weapons.
I agree Pauline if we were making some sort of profit off this oil boom I might not mind. But then again when they endanger lives because they are in a hurry to go wait for orders somewhere it doesn't seem right. Be careful out there. There were 5 accidents in a local big town this past Thursday and I am sure people were in a hurry.
Not good. Here planting season will be soon upon us and the general road practice on the county and township road is what we call "Minnesota Nice."....:)
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