This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Son-In-Law wouldn't tell us the name of the girl in the box

We did go to my sister's 50th anniversary last night and we all had a lot of fun. One of my daughters and her husband met us on the southside of san antonio so we could ride to the anniversary party with them. None of us had been to this restaurant before but never fear they have one of those girls in a box that tells you where to go. She is givng orders turn here and turn there and we are talking and not a worry in the world. We pulled in to the restaurant where she told us to. Humm the sign on the door says CLOSED. Yes we check the invitation correct Spanish name. Lynda gets out and peers in the door. Not a soul in sight. A couple tells her there is another down the street that may be open. They seemed to think we were just desperate to eat. My son-in-law ask are you sure it wasn't last night? I think girl in box got a little confused and started saying she was resetting or what ever it is they say but Billy Bob saved the day. We had the girl, directions from my sister, and directions from the internet. John and I just sat in the back and let them worry while we viewed the city. My sister had said it was in a little mall next to Billy Bob's Beds. Sure enough about a block down the street is a big matress with a sign Billy Bob's Beds. Wow! Two restaurants with the same name on the same street and just a short distance apart. No where but san antonio. My son-in-law looks at his watch as we pull in to the parking lot. Just fashionably late he says. We, John and I, my daughters, and their husbands got to sit at the loooong head table with the honorees and their kids and grandkids and my brother and sister-in-law. We even got to eat first. Lined up for good mexican food and iced tea. My brother-in-law had the microphone and told how they met and about their life together. After dinner the music started with dancing and visiting. It was very nice and everyone had a good time.


Helen said...

I am glad that you found the place and had a really nice time. Helen

jack69 said...

Here you had me thinking the Bro in law was gonna have a half naked girl jump out of a box! Now I know exactly what you mean. Our girl is called Jill and she has messed us up several times. The lasest was for a Post office.
TAke care
Sherry & Jack.

shirl72 said...

Jill in Jack's box talks all the time. We talk
back to her she could care less. I don't have
a girl in a box but they say I need one.

Glad you found the place and had a good time.


Lucy said...

Ian't it nice to be lost but have someone else figure it out Glad you had a good time..

Unknown said...

I am glad you had a nice time and also that you finally found the right place:)