This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Saturday

We left early this morning to pick up four rolls of barbed wire for John's son. A few more stops and then to the ranch. The weather was very nice, a little cool but not too cold. The tank dam is dry but rough from the cows tramping over it when it was wet. The turtles were waiting in their usual place. I sat on my lump of dirt while John went on to the pasture to check on the cows. Those turtles are getting better at climbing. I thought one was going to get into my lap. Lucy was her usual self. The two young ones are soooo cute. We saw Mama Twiggy and she has had her calf but it wasn't with her. John has seen it and he said he thinks it is a bull. We saw Shelly Marie but she didn't have much time for us. Just wait until the frost kills that green grass those cows are going to be begging. They may have another month of good eating then we'll be busy satisfying their hunger. John stopped at the farm house and started loading their household trash. I could have wrung his neck. When we lived out there I was able to figure out how to dispose of everything. I burned the paper, recycled the aluminum, and hauled the rest to the place he owned in town. When it wasn't snake season I even policed the side of the highway several miles in front of the ranch. Thank goodness the man renter came out and told John he could dispose of it himself. That made me have more respect for him. We don't see hide nor hair of Miss Kitty (aka Smokey). I just imagine she is living the life of Riley. The renter's ducks haven't discovered the stock tank yet I guess. They are still in the back yard. Maybe its for the best, a wild animal might catch them. I notice they keep their chickens in the yard even though there is a chicken house away from the house. Probably for the same reason. Hungry wild hogs and coyotes could have a midnight snack.


garnett109 said...

Way To go MaMa Twiggy

~mel said...

Kinda makes you wonder about things sometimes... where you said the man renter came out and offered to clean up after John started to do it. That sounds like something my hubby would do and I think I would have felt like wringing his neck too. Why can't people just pick up after themselves without being told? or nudged in the right direction? I too burn all my paper garbage and recycle the aluminum and haul the rest to the transfer station. So... now about those turtles ~ will they disappear after the weather cools down. Up here in northern Wisconsin where I'm at ~ turtles bury themselves in the river banks and hibernate over winter.

Martha said...

Sounds like it was a nice day in the country. Have a wonderful Sunday and a great week! :-)

Lucy said...

I am happy to hear that Lucy is ok. The sun is shining and all is well so far. Spunky got over his wild night and slept good all night. I think he heard the neighbor come home with the camper and probably had his little dog running lose. I must tell Jack he does not need a girlfriend.

Missie said...

Have a good Sunday night.

Rose said...

I've missed you Paula, but it sounds like you are wonderful as usual!

jack69 said...

I know you are enjoying feeding the turtles, seeing the cows and enjoying just being alive. You write so we know you enjoy life. I like the detail you see that most of us over look.

It does restore you faith in folks when they do take responsibility for their 'stuff'.
TAke care and enjoy the fall.
From ARkansas backwoods, Sherry & Jack