This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Massage Therapist In Our Midest

I saw the cutest thing today. After we had hayed the cows and they weren't all that interested in old hay when they are getting small snips of green grass. I spotted Shelly Marie (my favorite cow) on the ground chewing her cud and another cow was standing over her licking her back. I said look John Shelly Marie is getting a massage. He never sees the point. Today seemed to be the day the coyotes chose to take their cargo through our county but the Border Patrol was on their toes. Two bunches of illegal aliens were caught and thank goodness they didn't go through John's fence this time. The March winds blew already all day today. The turtles came out to eat but they wouldn't come out of the water. I even stayed in the truck when we went to the back forty over the washed out roads. If I ever disappear from here you will know the road gave way and I'm in the bottom of a muddy hole.


jack69 said...

Okay we will come looking for you! Maybe you should practice by mud wrestling!
It was nice of the other cow to give Shelly Marie a massage.
Maybe John thought it was something else.

WEll take care and don't work too hard.
Sherry & Jack

jack69 said...

You fooled me on the term Coyotes again. I remembered they were the illegal smugglers. Glad they caught some.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

When you make your way out of the mud hole....come look for me in the snow drift!!


Sheila Y said...

Maybe John will pull you out if you end up in a mud hole. Have a nice weekend, Sheila

Dar said...

A massage is always good, no matter who, how, where, when or why.....Penny, one of my childhood horses, used to rub her head on my back. Felt like a massage to me but she was just scratching her itch...
thanks for the tea party poem on my post...I loved it.
Your John sounds like my Bill, cares but doesn't see the humor in it or just not taking the time to 'get with it'...bless his soul
And...should you fall to the bottom of the mud hole, we will have to come dig you out...cause we sure would miss you.
God Bless Ya

Ally Lifewithally said...

Paula I am glad Shelly Marie is being looked after ~ she is my favourite cow as well :o) ~ Ally x

Gerry said...

We used to have some very frightening sinkholes turn up on a ranch my dad used to own. My Mom studied up and found out it was the gypsum in the soil that caused it to be so porous as to result in big sinkholes. I do not want to see you ever fall into a sinkhole! I have seen animals doing very sweet things for each other, too. But not too often. I think they tend to be self centered so that critter being so nice to Shelly Marie must have unusual intelligence, sociability, or is just plain sweet. Cute story.

Rose said...

my boss at work says if she didn't have her cows she'd go nuts!