This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Monday, November 8, 2010

I Think I Hear Harp Music!

I did, I did, I did hear harp music and it was in my Hemotoligist's waiting room played by a sweet little gray headed lady who didn't crack a smile. I'm thinking she was trying to divert our attention because we were having to wait soooo long. Maybe she was the doctor's mom? I don't know who she was or why she was there but I think they were having a party in the back room. We saw two guys take in two coolers, two women take in boquets of balloons, and one woman take in two gift bags full of gifts. Oh well I guess doctors and nurses have birthdays too and they deserve to have a little fun. We got there an hour early so my daughter and I got to visit for four and a half hours while listening to soothing harp music. What is the funniest thing you ever saw in your doctor's waiting room?


Donna. W said...

Nothing to top that, for sure.

jack69 said...

My mama said once she saw a kid with a paper sack over his head, and when the mother took it off it exposed that his head was stuck in a slop jar.

But me, nothing to top a Dr. mom playing a harp.

Lori said...

I'm grieved to say that I don't think I've ever seen anything funny in my doctor's waiting room! lol

garnett109 said...

sick people

Jon said...

Anyone who can play a harp for four and a half hours gets an A+ in my book!
Perhaps they should have harp players in Wal-Mart....

Toon said...

I think that's cool. I'd rather hear harp music than that piped in muzak.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Hey, it was okay for them to have fun, too...but to make you wait for over 4 hours?!! I don't have any answer to your question that even approaches your experience.

Lucy said...

My cardioligest, I wait and wait for them to call my name. I have never heard music in any doctors waiting room.

~mel said...

The funniest thing I ever saw at a doctors office was a man's face when he overheard the receptionist talking about her dog on the phone. Instead of posting it here and taking up your space ~ I'll share it over on my blog.

Gerry said...

I have to go to mel's blog to see what the receptionist said about the woman's dog. I did have a woman patient engage me in a very loud conversation about her wreck in the doctor's office. She was not the least bit intimidated by a bunch of people being forced to listen. I have hoped I would not run into her again in the same doctor's office. But your story was funnier.