Just a country girl kicking around the dirt roads taking pictures of trees, gates, animals. cactus, and anything else that strikes my un-fancy mind. You are welcome to take a look and come back if you like.
This Way To My Blog

Friday, April 20, 2012
And God Helped
Blogger won't let me upload the new header I wanted to write about. The story wouldn't mean much without the picture so I'll talk about how our town is changing with the oil boom. It is getting to be a normal occurance to see a limo on the week-end. I met one late this afternoon but it was a little different. It had very large longhorn cow horns on the front. Must have been transporting some ranch kids whose parents have oil money jinggling in their pockets. We have a new RV park gone up in our neighborhood the past few weeks and it is almost full already. They fixed it up nice but it isn't what I wanted to clear land where wild animals live. One business on hwy. 16 have installed a front patio with wroght iron furniture I guess for coffee breaks. They have very large ornate signs with the words Love, Peace, and Oil. When we pass I aways say to John and God helped.
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I've been having some trouble with Blogger ever since I willingly updated to the "new" format.
I have heard rumors that there could be an oil boom around the Brownfield area where I live, but so far nothing has materialized. It would sure help a lot of local people.
Would have loved to see your header photo. I refuse to update to the new Blogger format until they FORCE me. Should have left things the way they were. Now everybody is having trouble. Sounds like your town is changing in leaps and bounds cause of oil. Just like back in it's heyday. You take care.
Sorry you couldn't upload your photo Paula.Blogger changed the dashboard for me yesterday auto.Changes Changes Changes,thats all it seems of late on the internet.I too am still on the old style Blog,and refuse to change unless it's done auto.Why don't they just leave well alone.Anyway I have mangaed to suss the new dashboard out.and I will leave you with "And God Helped" haaaaaa.Take care God Bless Kath xx
Hi Paula ,wow an oil town just like we used to watch on tv ,back in the day, Dallas etc ,would liked to have seen your header ,thats blogger for you ,no wonder many of the old crowd have given up ,I nearly did but seem to have found my mo-jo again ..love Jan xx
This darn Blogger! I have problems too. *sigh*
I love your last line, Paula...and God helped. *HUGS*
We are still hearing a lot of mumbo jumbo about the pipe line going trough Nebraska. I just get so frustrated hearing abut it. Let the blasted thing go through and be done with it. They are going to run it through where ever they want. Love your flower pictures. Ugh to the chigger bites. It has been really chilly here.
well, i hope it helps some folks prosper. we need some good stuff happening... but i know it'll eventually end in 'bust'.
I noticed that the blogs look different but I haven't looked at mine yet or tried to update. I say when things are working right, let them be.
Sorry about not being able to upload your new header photo Paula. I have adjusted to the new Blogger but I changed a while back when I first heard it was going to be a forced change eventually. It's not hard to learn but they do still seem to have bugs to work out, not everything works properly yet.
One thing Oil has not ever brought about is Peace. ~Mary
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