This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Thursday, December 20, 2012

John Hung Up His Branding Iron

What a surprise! He gave his spare branding iron to his son. It is a simple J O with no connections. A brand has to be registered at the court house every so many years and it states where the brand is located on the animal. JO right hip, XXX left hip. If a rancher doesn't register their brand it can be taken by someone else. John's son has the same name so he will probably use it when John is gone. His original branding iron was borrowed several years ago from me by a preacher's son whom John knew well. He called and ask me to sneak it out and leave it on the back seat of the car and he would stop by to pick it up because he wanted to make John a clock with his brand on it. Months went by and no clock and no returned branding iron so I had to fess up to John. When I heard the preacher's son was moving out of town I called him to ask that he return the iron. He didn't. John didn't get upset but I am. What is he doing with it? He lives in another county, is he using it? Did he lose it, or is he that laxing in manners? Anyway John branded his two new Brangus bulls before handing it over to his son.


Chatty Crone said...

So what does that mean for John? Is he retiring and giving it up to his son?

Jean said...

That wasn't a nice thing for him to do borrow it from you and not return it.I think it's suppose to turn cold here tonight I hope it will stay this way until after Christmas. Take care, Jean

Paula said...

No Sandie John still has his small herd but just won't brand them. After the leak he had to fix in pipe going from the well to the stock tank he might be considering it. I'm sure he will go as long as he can though. He needs this to do because he has no hobbies.

TexWisGirl said...

the 'borrowed' iron is sad.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad John didn't get upset, but like you, I would have been.

Dar said...

We've friends that ranch in wide open west TX and the 'branding iron' is a huge thing. I would sure hope the borrower develops a conscience.
Have a wonderful Christmas. Sorry I've not been around to comment lately, but the pc has been having fits. Danged if it works and danged if it don't!...

jack69 said...

It is disappointing when someone lets you down. Trust is something that hurts bad. I would think that the branding Iron would be important to a rancher like my Contractors license are. I hold on to them even though I am past building. But hate to let go.
Love the story, although the ending isn't the best. Broken faith is frustrating...
Love and Merry Christmas....
Sherry & Jack

momto8 said...

I did not know any of seems like the person that has the iron does though..

~mel said...

hmmm... I can understand your concerns about that iron. Love the longhorn pic ~ actually, I love all your cow pics:) Have a wonderful Christmas.

Lisa said...

Very interesting ~ I didn't realize brands were so professional. Shame you can't trust the son of a Preacher. I would have been angry too.
