This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Monday, September 2, 2013

Don't You Just Wonder What Little Calves Think?

This calf is scratching it's face on the truck. Do you think It thinks that's what the truck is for? They are so curious. Sometime several of them will run up near us and stare at us. If we go out in my clean truck some of them will admire themselves in the shiney reflection on the side. I wonder if they like their looks or would like to have smaller ears or bigger eyes. Poor little (not so little anymore) Josie will never get to see these things. I don't think she misses them since she was born blind. Yesterday John's son helped him put out a big round bale of hay with his big truck and then they drove around looking everything over. They said Number 12, Josie's mama, was running everywhere bellowing looking for Josie. I guess they got seperated and mama forgot where she left her. This morning we went out expressly to see if Josie is okay and been found. The two were together with the herd at the pens and all was well.


Sage Ravenwood said...

They are definitely curious little creatures. (Hugs)Indigo

TexWisGirl said...

awww. poor josie's mom. glad they were fine.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cute little girl! Have a great day!

Chatty Crone said...

It is hard for any mom to lose a child! sandie

jack69 said...

Love a story with a good ending!!!


Sometimes too curious for their own good. Glad Josie is back.

Lori said...

It sounds like Josie has a really good mamma!

Leave It To Davis said...

I guess even cows never stop being a parent. Such a sweet face on that calf. My hubby went to hunt a year ago and some cows came up to the truck and chewed on the bumper and the mirror. lol They must have been hungry and thought our truck looked good enough to eat.