This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Remembering A Halloween

Ran in to this picture of a picture we widows took with a Pumpkin Man on a  day trip. Since I was widowed at the early age of 50 all my friends in this group were much older and called me the Baby Widow. They are all gone now and I sure miss them.


jack69 said...

Sweet memories and you are so cute, that is you in the Blue, right?

The tough ones live with what they are dealt. What a shock that must have been, Yes a very young widow.

We are glad you are a survivor.

TexWisGirl said...

awww. the baby widow. bless you and their spirits.

Jon said...

That's such a nice photo, and I agree with jack69 - - you were a cute "baby widow".

Sharon said...

A nice memory of you and your friends, I imagine they were a great help to you and I understand your missing them.


What a lovely photograph. Wonderful memories, I'm sure. My friends were all much older than me and have passed on. So I understand missing them.

Lynne said...

Your a beautiful lady then and now! Love your posts! :-)

Jean said...

A pretty picture of you and your friends.

Chatty Crone said...

I think that is one of the hardest things about growing older - is losing our friends.