This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Country Went To Town

I had to see my Dermatologist in San Antonio today. Results of light skin and yard work in the Texas heat with no hat or long sleeves or sun screen. We can go to WalMart out here several times a week and not see anyone we know. It was like old home week in San Antonio. A lady was checking out at the doctor as I was checking in and at the same instant we recognized each other as line dancing together for years. After she left the lady sitting next to us started talking and I thought I heard her say she was from our town so I ask her and sure enough she grew up in the next town over and knows people we know. We left with all those little stinging spots on me with an appointment for this time next year. We stopped half way between our favorite thrift store and Golden Corral to get a lot of exercise in the big store before we pig out. I'm liking buffet lunches less and less but John loves them. While in line there we met a couple we went to church with for several years. It was nice to see and chat with old friends. Now tomorrow we're not looking so forward to. John has to go to court. No he didn't get into trouble, the renters in  the farm house won't move, pay rent, or electric so it will have to be tended to by law as the landlord wants the house back for his grandson to move into. They were good to help at times when John ask but they just won't hold a job and pay. I had rent property for years but never came to court and only lost $13.00 on the very last tenant I had so don't know the procedure.


jack69 said...

It is always fun to run into someone you know or knows someone you do. It makes a good conversations while you wait.

You are right, that part of being a Land Lord is NO Fun. Tell John I feel for him!

Love from Florida across the gulf...

Donna. W said...

I hated being a landlord, which is why we moved back to the old house that we both hate. But that's another story. The title of this blog entry caught my eye because it reminds me of a Mark Chestnut song that I love. Now I'm going to go to Youtube and listen to it.


how nice to run into all these people you know.

Anonymous said...

We will feel good when we see a person whom we know in a place where we need to spend more time.
Hope you are feeling better after meeting the doctor.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, renting IS a nightmare!!! we rented out a house for a little over a year and the 2nd tenant we got was a rent-to-buy and they did. it saved my sanity.

glad you got to see so many familiar folks!

Lucy said...

I would never have rental property, mostly because I have never had much money, but I still want nothing to do with rentals. I finally got totally fed up with this woman that has her entire baCK yard full of trash one door over and trashy property on 15th. I called in and he called me back and he said Barb was due to appear in court to force her to clean up and she went over his head and had the court date changed to NEXT MARCH. In the meantime we have to put up with raccoons, possum, rats and she just keeps piling more out there. Frustrated??? Yep!!!