This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Chair

No not George Strait's chair. Remember his song "The Chair"? When I first came out here John leased four places and owned one. He had cattle on each one and the large one he subleased part of it to a peanut farmer since he had retired from peanut farming. It was an all day job some days to check all the cows but we enjoyed it. In driving from one place to the other we would see an elderly man walking with a walker and his head was all bandaged up. One day this chair appeared beside the gate of one of the places. We were puzzled as to where it came from but we didn't throw it away. We finally realized the elderly man was walking that far and then sitting on it to rest before he started his journey back to his house. We heard several years later that the man was in a nursing home and the chair finally disappeared. When I run across this picture it reminds me to keep trying, don't give up. When you look around you can always see someone worse off then yourself.



What a sad, but sweet story. Having mobility issues myself I can relate to it. I too can only walk so far before I have to sit down. Love the photograph.

21 Wits said...

So true.

TexWisGirl said...

how very poignant.

Linda Kay said...

Paula, this is a great reminder for us to not look internally but externally when we are feeling a bit blue!

jack69 said...

THIS IS A HEAVY ENTRY. You have said a lot in a few words. I see our peers, some give up, but others keep on trucking, with what ever means it takes.
Sweet Paula, YOU hang in there!!!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Really good lesson in that chair.

Hootin Anni said...

Indeed!!! There is always someone that has a tougher life than mine! Self pity isn't something I look up to in anyone.

I loved reading this story. Very much.

And your new lens for your I-Pad! How exciting!

Wendy said...


Lux G. said...

Such determination though.

Kath said...

Good to be back reading your blog Paula.I need to sit after walking short distances too.I also have chairs in my bedroom, to sit for easy access to things from my drawers etc.I cannot stand for long without sitting down.So to me,chairs are a God Send at times. Bless the old man that used this chair.May he RIP.I know the good feeling well,whe you need a chair handy.I hope your back is healing Paula.I have read a few past posts and noted you were having back problems.(OUCH).I had sciatica a few weeks back now ,it took a couple of weeks to ebb.Prayers you may be healed soon.Take Care God Bless Kath

Sharon said...

Great post, Paula!