This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Different Kinds Of Bunnies



Jon had some different bunny pictures in his blog today so even though my bunny subject has been here before maybe some of you haven't read about it. Some find it weird, some find it neat, and some don't know how to take it. The historical small country church we attend has an Easter egg hunt every year in the cemetery. What do you think about it? The first time I heard about it, it seemed a little odd, but I'm used to it now. I think the reason for it was space. The area in front of the church is parking The area on the right of the church and in back is all cemetery. The area to the left is fenced and is a ranch being privately owned so there is not another area to have an Easter egg hunt. The kids aren't concerned, they have fun.


Sharon said...

An egg hunt in the cemetery sounds like a good place - easier for the little ones to search among the tombstones than up in the trees etc. I believe it's the older folks that have a problem with it.

TexWisGirl said...

hey, maybe the souls enjoy it too. :)

jack69 said...

Sounds like fun to me. As a child I was fascinated with the different tombstones, dates and names.
Great place and much better than no Easter egg hunt! That was always my favorite thing. (especially with boiled eggs, love'em)

jack69 said...

methinks TexWis has hit on a winner!

Jon said...

Unfortunately, all of my blog bunnies were demented. I actually prefer the sweet, innocent Easter bunnies.

Having an Easter egg hunt in a church cemetery does sound rather odd, but you explained the reasons for it - - and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. As long as the kids are having fun.

Rose said...

As long as none of the families object, I would be fine with it. Personally, I like the idea of children hunting Easter eggs on my grave.

Hootin Anni said...

I see nothing wrong with this at all. Definitely a safe traffic, kids are free to roam and hunt.


Bunnies and eggs make Easter. Nothing wrong with an egg hunt, wherever.

Optimistic Existentialist said... Easter Egg hunt in the cemetery. Definitely different, but I do not see anything particularly wrong with it.