This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Goat House

This house seems to belong to a herd of goats, can you make a few out in the picture? I wonder if they pay property tax. Can you see they have their own window air conditioner? We pass this house often and sometime stop to try to take a picture of them lounging in their front yard.


Paula said...

Any day now I expect to see a Nanny goat bending over a hot barbeque cooking what? Goat--no, human---heavens no. Maybe Rattlesnake found in those tall weeds?

jack69 said...

I go with the rattlesnake on the grill! I say one thing, they better be paying taxes or they will be eating their way out of jail!

POST a picture if you see the goat over the grill cooking and not being cooked!
Love from your Florida neighbor across the gulf.

Sharon said...

I've heard of goats eating on a house - wonder if they have started on the other side?

Jon said...

I could use these goats to eat all the weeds in my yard.

Kath said...

I used to follow a journal about goats {aula and loved it.They called her Terry,on AOL journals.Lost touch, when they folded us up.I miss seeing her goats.Thank you for sharing your goats.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

Hootin Anni said...

I love goats....but the idea of snakes crawling in the grass just makes my skin crawl.

I enjoyed your narration today Paula.


One of my first jobs as a reporter for local paper was to do a front page article on a family that had a couple pet goats. I feel in love with the quirky creatures. They have the most expressive faces.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Those goats have more than many Americans have.