Wouldn't you know it? When I didn't go to the ranch with him he saw a Jackrabbit and near the farm house. We never see Jackrabbits anymore. Maybe he is the one eating my rabbit pellets. Why do I always think a Jackrabbit is a he? It could be a she. Brrr it's cold around here these days but the sun is out bright today so I hope later today we can go look for the new baby. We're sure it's okay but just want to see it. John can tell the Mama has been nursed. She is a cow that doesn't eat pear so she doesn't come up with the herd. She has done this act before in not bringing her calf up for several days. Before the calf she would just stand off in the distance and stare at the cows eating and fighting over the pear (cactus with the stickers burned off) as If to say "you fools".
i saw 2 jackrabbits down the road one year here - in a cattle pasture. the sun was glinting off of their huge ears - at first i couldn't believe they were real!
I guess most of us assume that the name Jack is a boy, I guess they should name some Jackie rabbits. LOL
Always like to hear about the cows and their antics. Amazing how YOU KNOW what they say!!
Nice. Take care and stay warm, we are staying inside over across the Gulf. in the 40's today, normally would be 70-80's.
I must admit, I thought you were gonna tell us that he saw the fabled jack-a-lope!!!
Can't wait to see the new baby....hope it makes it through the cold nights!!!
I was going to say a bad joke with Jack and boys in it, but I will leave it to your imagination.
Maybe you should send the camera with him next time??? You would have proof positive... (Or are you like me - DH would have to pry my camera out of my cold, dead hands)
I carn't say I have ever seen a hare as we call them Paula.Many rabbits yes, but not your Jackrabbit(hare).
Still looking forward to seeingt the new babe.Have a lovely evening.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
It would be nice to get a picture of the jackrabbit and calf. But their appearances are fleeting, I know.
I remember jackrabbits as a young girl in Beeville, Texas. We do not have them in Southern, MD. They reminded me of a smaller version of a kangaroo for some reason, lol. BTW, smart cow, lol! Stay away from the Pear!
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