This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Good Fairy Came To The Ranch

Wow they have changed the way you post. Kinda nice, maybe? Early this morning when we drove into the trap there was a surprise. John said who put hay out? Beats me! Between the grain tank and an old barn was a big glob of hay with two cows "goin' to town on it". Then we noticed the old bathtubs John uses to put salt and mineral in for the cows was filled with hay. Good lookin' hay too. Yeah hay can be good looking if you're a rancher or farmer. John got out and looked around trying to figure out who would have left free hay. The cows wouldn't tell. We think maybe the farmhouse renters were at the flea market and someone had one bale left and gave it to them. Maybe they bought it to use for bedding for some animal and then didn't get it. Maybe we'll never know. The renters sleep late so we didn't disturb them. We didn't have to feed or change the water so we just rode around looking at cows and fences. As we came onto the tank dam I spotted a flock of wild turkeys running along a fence line. It didn't take them long to go through the fence and disapper into the tall dead grass where they blend in and can't be seen. All the cows are fine but they sure woud be finer if it would rain.


Jill said...

I keep praying you get rain!

How nice to have a hay fairy!

jack69 said...

Ah ha, another mystery for Paula the Sleuth. Keep an eye on the turkeys, ain't long until Thanksgiving.

Let us know who the good fairy is!

From over here.

Helen said...

Those turkey can run pretty past. Maybe one day you will find out who did the good deed. Helen

shirl72 said...

Looks like you had a visit from an invisible person. The cows looks very peaceful. I do
hope you gets some rain. I have friends in Texas and they say their gardens were ruined
because of no rain.. I will get Sheila and we will start our rain dance.


Toon said...

How rare is that? People coming onto your property and leaving something instead of taking it!

Lucy said...

I guess their are good fairies after all. It is terribly dry there isn't it. I wish you rain, enough to catch up to where it should be.

Dar said...

Back a couple entries, I see the frogs still don't have their little red shoes on...thank God...but, give us more of your whimsy...I loved it!!!
now, about the hay. I would have given all you dry ranchers hay if I had VERY nice of a kind neighbor or friend. What a sweet 'thang', as Jack would say.
My prayers continue for a break from the heat with many long days of garden/ranch rains.

DD said...

Now we have a hay mystery to solve. Good post.