This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mind Yo Mama

I don't care if you call them a donkey, an ass, or a burro, I like them, but I like the miniatures best. I used to go to the cattle auction with John every week. If a donkey went through the ring and someone bought it the cowboys would laugh and make fun but now it seems to be a fad to have a donkey or two or three. Maybe they have found they do keep the coyotes away. When I spot one driving down a country road I ohhh and awww and sometime get John to stop. He spotted this baby donkey one day so took me by there to see it. I wanted to take it's picture 'cause you know it is sooo cute. It and it's Mama were close to the fence so I started creeping closer and closer to get a better shot (I know my pictures couldn't compare to the good photographers in blogs) but I like them since I'm from the old school anyway. Just as I was about to snap the picture the Mama made a noise and turned away from me and the baby did the same so that is why I have a picture of donkey hinnies. I think the Mama donkey told the little one not to talk to strangers and it minded it's Mama.


TexWisGirl said...

oh, i love baby donks too! there was one in our area last year that i managed to get a few pix of. SO cute! love their little hinies! :)

Rose said...

they are so cute!

DD said...

Hi Paula, I like it! I like the picture, like the donkeys and I love that Texas landscape! Good shot, old school or not. Another good post, thank you for sharing Your Country Tales.

jack69 said...

Yeah, there you go again. You must have been one of the inspirations of Dr. Dolittle's theme song, 'Talk to the Animals'.
Great entry and I love your shots.
From up here,
Sherry & Jack

Wendy said...


Anonymous said...

They are adorable ~ Ally x Ally Lifewithally

Marty said...

Great photo ... don't sell your photos short, I always like looking at them!

Kathy said...

I love donkeys too and would like to have a couple. They have such great personalities!
Thanks for coming by my place for a visit.

Toon said...

I hadn't heard that they keep coyotes away. Interesting.

Lucy said...

You get great pictures. Donkey rears are ok..I really like your side panel pictures. They are great..

Dar said...

Donkey hinnies are as cute as any, but really do love their faces and backs and tails, and...
just cute! And they really DO keep the cycoty's away.