This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Friday, August 5, 2011

Not Cotton

This is a dry land plant/weed. The dryer and hotter it is the better it does. This year it is growing everywhere, on the fences, in the fields, pastures. I'm wondering if anyone knows the name of it and if anyone has it growing on their place. Animals doesn't eat it and it seems to be completely useless.


TexWisGirl said...

not familiar with that one. you can keep it down by you, tho! we have enough useless, non-edible weeds. :) and mesquite trees! ugh!

Anonymous said...

I don't know it, Paula. But I have plenty of useless things around my area that I'd like named too ;-). ~Mary

DD said...

Your dry land plant is new to me, Paula, but interesting. I don't think any dry land plant would last long around here in the Tennessee Valley. We do have useless plants, however among other things..ha.

Helen said...

Sorry, I don't have any idea what that plant is.

jack69 said...

We could try picking it and spinning it, who knows?

Some things just seem useless, sorta like a mosquito. hahaha
Take care....

Kay said...

I think I've seen that stuff somewhere, but cannot remember where.


Dar said...

That invasive stuff looks like dandelion fluff on a long stem...useless looking byt who knows, maybe when the ground is all cracked, it seeds there and has some God-given use somewhere down the line, like "making a smoother path to drive on."
I even looked this one up in my grasses book and did not find it. Try the agriculture dept in your area...they know everything...