This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This & That

We have a nice slow soaking-in rain today. It isn't cold so it feels good out. Only seven at church today counting the minister and his wife. Hope it doesn't fold up after all the improvements. Guess families prefer to attend where there are activities for children. We like the quiet booney road and thinking of the history behind this church. I thought the hummers had left town but one tiny very dark one showed up at my feeder several times today so I refreshed the sugar water and mixed some new to have waiting in the fridge. A quiet rainy Sunday here.


TexWisGirl said...

i had one hummingbird this week here, too. and you must be getting the rain that we had yesterday. we had 1/2 inch. a spot of drizzle this morning, then nada. fingers crossed for mon & tues.

Sharon said...

We had a beautiful day here, I have the window open and a cooling breeze is coming through. I think we will be having a cold front come through. I haven't seen a hummer for about a week. Lots of crows waiting around for my pecans to ripen.
That is a small church, it would be hard to start activities without the children there.


I love a nice easy rain shower. Refreshes the spirit.

Donna. W said...

We could use rain. Again. We've been chasing wayward cows today, and have electric-fenced them in so they cannot get to the neighbor's property.
I love a small church.

jack69 said...

Nice rainy day experience. I think I would like the small crowd at church. I think ll our Hummers have left the country. So I took ours down and took Mel (Of the North Woods) advice and tried to make a yellow jacket trap.
But I think I have won the war anyway.

Lynne said...

Our church service had a moderate attendance, too. We had lots of rain in the area over the last week. I was glad I went to services today, even though it was hard to get moving. Enjoyed the service.

Kath said...

It's poured down here for a week Paula,it's so cold too.I guess all my birds are hybernating.Iv'e not seen any at all.I hope your little church don't cose,I love it.Have a lovely day.Computer probs all day for me,after my posting on Fb this morning .Only just got going again having to use Firefox Grrr xxTake Care God Bless Kath xx