This Way To My Blog

This Way To My Blog

Sunday, April 18, 2010


When we saw this prickly pear on my header identified at the Bat Cave in the hill country recently we giggled a little bit. Yeah we know it well. We know how much those thorns can hurt if you fall in it or worse yet on it. We know people burn the stickers off for the cows to eat it when they don't have green grass. We know people make jelly out of the purple pear that forms certain time of the year and the cows like to eat them too. We know rattlesnakes like to make their nest in the plants. Then I got to thinking there is a lot of people who visit here from other states or countrys who would not know what this plant is so it was nice that they had identified it. Today we accidently ended up on a country road I had not been on and a country cemetary I had not walked in. On checking the rainfall at the ranch (another two inches last night) we made a large circle and ended up on a road where they had blockades at the creek going over the road so we turned back. When we saw the sign Amphion cemetary we turned. John sat in the truck while I made a quick tour of the cemetary. It was mowed neatly and some had decorated with cactus, birdhouses, benches and the like. I hope to go back there when it is dryer some time. I got a kick out of the sign on the out house. It read AMPHION HILTON.


jack69 said...
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jack69 said...

Thanks for the lesson on the prickly pear. I must have seen one, I remember the apple or pear (red). Glad you found a road you had not traveled. did you recognize anyone in the graveyard?
Love the name of the outhouse~!@!!!

Toon said...

The comments don't seem to be working today. Testing, testing...

Dar said...

Thanks for the info...I knew all except that the rattlers use prickly pear for nesting. I will remember that the next time my sis and I just HAVE TO have our picture taken by a huge clump of them.
Sure is fun traveling new roads...I like to walk the cemetary too. Bill would sit in the truck too, I think unless he was looking for a place to lay me 6 ft. under. LOL...I guess I shouldn't laugh.

Toon said...

Don't the prickly pears get really big yellow flowers on them? Or am I thinking of something else?